My chain story

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Dear readers,


Now I am doing the fifth blogging challenge. It is to make a chain story. If you do not know what a chain story is I can tell you, a chain story is a story where someone writes the beginning of a story and other people finish it in the comments after you read continue on with the story.




One day there was a boy named Zach, he was a nice and friendly boy until one day. Two years later he was using his dad’s computer workshop and stuck his finger in a usb slot. He slept for one week the docters thought he was dead… but he was a syborg but still alive…



please work on the story when you comment!!!














blogging challange 3 part 2=post


Dear readers,


Even though it is almost Christmas I am still blogging. Today I will be talking about FRACTIONS. Fractions are are very fun. Fractions are used very much. We have learned about equevlent, improper, and common denomateor fractions. We have not learned about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and devideing fractions. It has been a busy week in math this week we were skypeing with Braeden again. Improper fractions are rely just a math problem. I will keep posting on Christmas break. Two more days until Christmas break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:




Week Of 12-1-14


This week we have been talking about doing research on famous Americans that did some thing special to help our country. For the report I want to do Bill Gates for the report. We are also doing fractions in math. It has been a fun week so far. We are having a banana split party to get the different parts of a banana split ( including the bowl, spoon, and scoops of ice cream. )  To get the ingredients you have to pass the different ingredients you have to pass the different levels of multiplication. Yesterday my friend Braeden  had surgery so he will not be in school in  December:(. Braeden had surgery on his ears.

Avatar #2

Right now I am still doing the student blogging challenge. I have to make one more avatar. This avatar is for my brother Josh. I added the lion buffs because lions are his favorite animal. He is wearing The nice shorts because he is vary fancy. For example: Last night we had a fancy Thanksgiving dinner with china.

Josh the lion

Josh the lion


student blogging challenge week one

This is an avatar that I made. This is for the student blogging challenge. This avatar is me. : )

_1416771836.39379_210If you want to make one of the avatars go to and find one of the sites on the post  student blogging challenge week one. Then you  can save it in your desktop and use it as an avatar or background. Also you can get it printed out.